Friday, March 2, 2007

Sleep. -Edgar Allen Poe

"Sleep - those little slices of death, how I loathe them."

~Edgar Allen Poe

How can anyone loathe sleep!?

Sleep helps you to be energized during the day, you'll be in a better mood, you'll boost your immune system, you'll be a safer driver, you'll improve memory and learning, you'll boost your metabolism, and you'll stop dozing off in class!

Response by Omega-

zzzzzz... Well for one it's Poe, what do you expect? Secondly I think Poe isn't saying that sleep isn't so bad as it is good and peaceful. This "reminds" him how peaceful it would be to be dead. Therefore, he wishes it. However, alas, he is not dead, and when he awakens it makes him depressed, because he was just sleeping...

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