Saturday, March 10, 2007

"Pride without fear is simple arrogance."


There is always someone better. Fear, or perhaps a more easily taken description would be respect, is the acknowledgement of this. Without it one cannot be truly proud. Arrogance is an ignorant thought that one's self is the best, and this is baseless, which makes it simple.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Doing the Impossible. -Orville Wright

"If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true were really true,
there would be little hope of advance."

-Orville Wright

Find the things that are impossible in life, and then do them!

Response by Omega-

I am also reminded of another quote, but am not sure of the exactness, so forgive me: Listen to what the experts have to say, for they will tell you what you can't do. Then go do it.

One last statement on this...always question...

Friday, March 2, 2007


"Blessed is the person who can laugh at himself he'll never cease to be amused."

And in the process, you'll probably amuse many many people around you!

Response by Omega-

Yes, indeed! But I also think, on a deeper level, this quote is saying we do a lot of things that are "foolish" or being worthy of being laughed at. But is also saying that we are all in the same boat, and if you can "laugh it off" you will be better off.

Foolish Things. -Colette

"You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm."


I think is is apt! as long as you don't do those foolish things on purpose....

Response by Omega-

Well I too think this is apt, most all the time. For, if one does foolish thing on purpose he isn't being foolish but evil. Plus there are a lot of foolish people out there that don't really know when you've done something if you believe it's right they will too... (don't try this too often :D)

Sleep. -Edgar Allen Poe

"Sleep - those little slices of death, how I loathe them."

~Edgar Allen Poe

How can anyone loathe sleep!?

Sleep helps you to be energized during the day, you'll be in a better mood, you'll boost your immune system, you'll be a safer driver, you'll improve memory and learning, you'll boost your metabolism, and you'll stop dozing off in class!

Response by Omega-

zzzzzz... Well for one it's Poe, what do you expect? Secondly I think Poe isn't saying that sleep isn't so bad as it is good and peaceful. This "reminds" him how peaceful it would be to be dead. Therefore, he wishes it. However, alas, he is not dead, and when he awakens it makes him depressed, because he was just sleeping...