Saturday, March 10, 2007

"Pride without fear is simple arrogance."


There is always someone better. Fear, or perhaps a more easily taken description would be respect, is the acknowledgement of this. Without it one cannot be truly proud. Arrogance is an ignorant thought that one's self is the best, and this is baseless, which makes it simple.


Anonymous said...

Arrogance is overbearing, an arrogant person sees himself as better than all others, and it can easily be baseless. Pride, however, looks at a person's accomplishments and is glad in what he has done. There does not need to be fear in this.

ΩmegΛ said...
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ΩmegΛ said...

Yes actually it does. You were hitting on something unseen that makes what you said correct, about arrogance and pride. That is fear, or if you want perhaps a better description for you is respect of that which can harm you (or fearing it ;)). ANd if you say this is incorrect. I say this to you, there is always someone better. Fear/Respect is accnolagement of this. Whith out it you cannot be truely proud of others, accomplishments, or yourself.